A smiling boy peeking out from behind a large stack of colorful children's books from PaperPie, Usborne, and Kane Miller

Raising Readers

Most parents want to raise ravenous readers, but how do we help children spark a genuine love of reading that keeps burning strong as they grow?

Often, the secret is finding the right book for the right kid, then making sure reading never becomes a chore. Read on to hear my tips for making books feel like play, and to browse my recommended book lists for children of all ages. 

A woman lying on her back with her legs over the back of the couch is reading a book

Creating Your Own Book Joy

I was a bookworm all my life — until early parenthood, when lack of sleep and endless board books took the joy out of reading for my own benefit.

I’ve since rediscovered my love for reading, and now I indulgently read with zero guilt because it’s also modeling great habits to my kids! I'm passionate about helping grown-ups rediscover and embrace their own book joy, whether you have kids or not. My hope is that as I share book reviews and recommendations, you’ll feel inspired to create more personal book joy in your own life, too!

Meet the bookworm

Headshot of Laura Schoeggl from the shoulders up and smiling

Hi, I’m Laura Schoeggl, a professional bookseller and senior director with PaperPie, a publisher specializing in children’s books and educational toys and games.

When I’m not busy encouraging a love of reading in children, I’m reading mysteries and thrillers, dystopian scifi, historical fiction, or just about any book with quirky characters. I live in…

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